Sydney Bus Driver

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

10 Cents Revisited

In March last year I said that fare changes introduced in January of that year meant drivers gave out a lot of 10 cent coins as change. The most common 'new' fares were 1.70, 1.90 and 2.90. Managing the supply of 10 cent coins was a daily challenge. I would bring 10 cent coins from home to boost my supply.

Well, the fare changed again in January this year, the most common fares are now 1.80, 2.00 and 3.00. The tyranny of the 10 cent coin is over, well, until the fares change again, probably in January next year.

A few months ago a change machine was installed in the depot which gives 10 and 20 cent coins in return for paper notes. About 18 months late.


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