Sydney Bus Driver

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Training Day 4 - Depot Tour

(on Friday, the 22nd), Induction to Burwood depot.

I arrived at about 07.45 (for a 08.00 start). I met the BOT1 (Bus Operator Trainer, Level 1) who I stayed with for the day

He introduced me to various people in the depot, including, the General Manager, various other managers and some union officials. The union seems to play an important part in the running of the depot, sort of a parallel management system. I was advised that if I had any problems with any of my colleagues, I should take it to the union first (instead of the depot management) as the union’s procedures were less formal and faster.

I was taken on the tour of the depot: parking area, mechanical repair sheds, bus cleaning sheds, depot offices. This included being told about safety procedures to be followed and safety risks to be aware of.

I was shown the various models of buses the depot has. The radio procedures were reviewed; the ticket machine demonstrated; the driver’s seat adjustments demonstrated; the location of the security emergency buttons identified; and a discussion about the closed circuit television camera.

My driver’s uniforms were ordered (I won’t receive these until after I have passed the preliminary course):
- 4 long sleeved shirts
- 1 short sleeved shirt
- 2 long trousers
- 1 short trousers
- 3 regular socks
- 2 long socks (for short trousers)
- 1 belt
- 1 wide brimmed hat
- 1 vest (sleeveless sweater)
- 1 ‘bomber’ jacket
- 1 set of rain gear
- 1 pair of shoes

At the end of the day, I did an assessment about what I had learned during the day.


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