Sydney Bus Driver

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Back in the Classroom

I spent today at the Sydney Buses training centre in Strawberry Hills. Most but not all of the people with whom I did the initial classroom training were there. I don’t know why the missing ones weren’t there. Perhaps they have dropped out.

We saw a video (well, DVD) about identifying and dealing with people with dementia in case they have ‘wandered’ and end up on a bus. Another video about people with disabilities (blind, deaf, wheel chair bound, mentally disturbed). A presenter from the Guide Dog Association talked about the strategies of dealing with guide dogs and blind people. We were told how to guide a blind person if they had to leave the bus due to a breakdown or accident. We took turn guiding (and being guide by) another person while wearing a blind fold.

We had a presentation from a person from the ‘revenue protection’ section about fare evasion.

I got paid this week. This is the 2nd time I got paid but the 1st time for a full fortnight. I get $19.163 per hour. The pay slip has a lot of numbers and codes which I do not fully understand.


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