Someone vomited in the bus the other day. I was doing route 438 from the city to Abbotsford. About 2 kilometres before Abbotsford a departing passenger (not the vomiter) told be about it. Someone who seemed drunk had gotten off a few stops earlier. There were only a few passengers still on the bus. I continued to the end of the run.
I contacted the Radio Room. The ‘standard’ procedure is I should be given a replacement bus (ie, someone from the depot drives another bus to Abbotsford and returns with the bus I have). However, this was about 9pm and there would not have been many spare people at the depot. Also, there were passengers waiting for the return trip to the city.
The Radio Room operator suggested I clean it up. I said “OK”. I carry paper towels with me in case I have to clean the windscreen. I used these and some newspapers left behind by passengers. Luckily, it was only on the floor (not the seats) and wasn’t too smelly.
Another driver told me later he carries disposable rubber gloves and plastic bags for such occasions. I think I will do the same.
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